Scripture presents numerous examples
of the Father-Son relationship,
a divine pattern, that affects
every aspect of life.
of the Father-Son relationship,
a divine pattern, that affects
every aspect of life.
![]() The pattern is seen throughout the Bible. There is one God the Father, of whom are all things and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things 1Cor 8:6 The Father-Son pattern begins with the Father who is the Source of all things. ![]() and through all, and in you all. John 17:3 He is the Father…the only true God. 2Cor 1:3-4 Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2John 1:3 God the Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father. 1Tim 6:16 The Father who alone has immortality. ![]() who is the Channel of all the Father gives him. John 5:26 The Father has life in himself and He has given to the Son to have life in himself—-(Greek zoen) the same immortal, eternal, everlasting life. Not the Greek word bios which is mortal human life. 1John 5:11 God has given us eternal life (zoen), and this life (zoe) is in His Son. John 5:21 the Father raises up the dead and quickens (gives life to) them. He is the original Source of all life. And because He has given this original life to His Son, Jesus can raise the dead and give life to whomever he will. John 5:35 It is the voice of the Son of God that will raise the dead to life immortal. Not only immortal life, but The Father gives His Son all things. All things are delivered into my hands, Jesus said Matt 11:27 For the Father loves the Son and has given all things into his hands John 3:35 God...has given him a name that is above every name Phil 2:9 All power (authority) is given unto me in heaven and earth, Jesus said Matt 28:18 God even the Father...hath put all things under his feet 1Cor 15:24-27 As the Son of the Father, he is appointed heir of all things Heb 1:2 He is the channel by whom and through whom all things from the Father flow to his creation. ![]() This is the pattern of life from the beginning. Gen 1:26 God said, Let us make man in our image and after our likeness. Eph 3:9 God who created all things BY Jesus Christ, said to His Son, Let us make man, mankind, “Adam” in Hebrew. Then the Son made man after Their image, Gen 5:1-2 “in the day that God created man; in the likeness of God made He them; male and female created he Them.” Gen 9:6 “in the image of God he made man” James 3:9 “Men have been made in the likeness of God” Matt 19:4 “at the beginning he made them male and female” 1Tim 2:13 Adam was first formed. And Adam was at first alone. Then, as God had named all things in heaven (Isa 40:26), he appointed Adam the task of naming everything on earth. ![]() So woman came forth “out of man” as part of his very own body. Gen 2:21-22 And the LORD God took one of Adam’s ribs and closed up the flesh…and made (Hebrew: builded) a woman and brought her to the man. Gen 2:23-24 Adam said, This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh… She shall be called woman because she was taken out of man… and they shall be one flesh. Eve was formed, fashioned, and made in Adam’s likeness. ![]() 1Cor 11:12 the woman, Paul said, is from the man (margin). Adam: the only human not begotten. Eve: the only human begotten from another human’s side. She was not created from nothing but was taken out of Adam’s side, his bosom. She existed essentially in Adam, a part of him, before the rib from which she was made was taken out. She became the express image of Adam. So also the Word is the unique Son of God begotten of the Father, taken from His bosom, His side. And “Adam named his wife, Eve, because she was the mother of all living” Gen 3:20 Adam was the Source, Eve was the Channel by whom, through whom Adam became the father of our race. Eve was the same substance as Adam. They were both equal in nature. She was just as human as he was. But Eve was begotten in a different manner than all other human births. So, too, the Son of God was begotten of his Father. They both have the same divine substance, both equal in nature. Christ is just as divine as his Father. But the Son was begotten in a different manner in eternity than he was later born of Mary in time. Adam and Eve were essentially the same age; both appeared on day six. Father and Son are essentially of the same age; both are from eternity. ![]() As Adam begat Eve, the Father begat Christ, and Christ begets us, giving us His spirit, as Adam gave his rib. We are part of Christ, we “partake” of his divine nature. We are born again; Christ is in us; we have his character. As Adam and Eve were one flesh, so also the Father and Son are one spirit. The divine pattern is also seen in “the mystery of God, both of the Father, and of Christ In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Col 2:2-3) This is the pattern of visible and invisible. The Son “is the (visible) image of the invisible God” Col 1:15 ![]() “Whom no man has seen, nor can see” (Young’s Literal) 1Tim 6:16 Philip said, “Show us the Father” John 14:8 Jesus said, “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father” John 14:9 “No man has seen God at any time” John 1:18 The Father dwells in “light unapproachable” No man comes to the Father but by the Son John 14:6 God is the Father of lights (James 1:17) But the Son is the light of the world John 8:12; 9:5; 12:46 He is the brightness (KJV) brilliance (Aramaic) radiance (NIV) of His Father’s glory Heb 1:3 Heb 1:3 the express image of His Father’s person. The Greek word is charakter, impress, stamp, exact reproduction) ![]() Gen 15:17 describes a smoking furnace (light enshrouded) and a burning lamp (light revealed, manifested) appeared to confirm the covenant once again to Abraham. This is the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ 2Cor 4:6 He is the image of God (2Cor 4:4) The Mosaic sanctuary and its priesthood was the image of the invisible heavenly sanctuary and our High Priest. Heb 8:1-5. This principle is seen in both the written Word and the living Word. John 5:39; 1:1 ![]() For example, the expansion, amplification and magnification of the Father’s word when expressed by the Son. The Father gives his word to the Son and the Son magnifies it. The signature of the Son’s magnification of the Father’s word, was his style of repetition. Verily, verily I say unto you. Repeating words and names is a distinct character trait of the Son. Abraham, Abraham; Jacob, Jacob, Samuel, Samuel, Martha, Martha, Simon, Simon; Saul, Saul. Jerusalem, Jerusalem. The Son is the Word of God Rev 19:13 Ps 33:6 By the Word of the LORD were the heavens made; Deut 18:18 I will raise up a Prophet like unto you. I will put my words in his mouth; Heb 1:2 God…has in these last days spoken unto us by His Son. He speaks for his Father The gospel of John especially features the Word of the Father. John 3:34 He whom God has sent speaks the words of God. John 14:10 The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself, but the Father that dwells in me. John 17:8 I have given unto them the words that you (Father) have given me. “The Father has given me commandment what I should say and what I should speak” John 12:49 But it is the opening words of John that are most famous. John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It is this last phrase which captures our attention and our curiosity. If the word was God, how could the Word be with God? ![]() The literal Greek reading is: kai theos hen ho logos (and God was the Word). The previous phrase, pros ton theon, is literally “with the God.” John speaks the same way in his first epistle. That which was from the beginning, the Word of life... that eternal life which was with the Father. pros ton Patera The difference is the definite article, “the,” distinguishing between identity and quality. The Word, God’s Son, was with the Father, identifying the Father as the God, the true God, of whom are all things. Notice: John did not say, “the God was the Word” ![]() We can get a sense of the difference if we use the same grammatical structure, but with different subjects. “In the beginning was the woman, and the woman was with the human” This is a true statement and we would understand that “the human” here is Adam. “and human was the woman.” This, too, is logical and true. Adam is his name, but human is what he and Eve are. We easily understand this to mean that the woman, Eve, was human in nature, but she was not “the man” in identity. Eve was not Adam; they were two separate persons, two individual identities. The same divine nature is possessed by both the Father and Son. And we now know the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ. Col 2:3 Let’s return to the Greek reading once more with this new perspective in mind. ![]() The Word has the same God quality, the same divine nature, the same theos, the same “Godness” as his Father. Theos was the Word, and obviously, so was God the Father—both are divine, eternal, Deity. Another Pattern is the Bible The Bible is composed of two Testaments: the Old and the New. The Old Testament is the Source, of whom the New Testament quotes and applies and magnifies. The New Testament is the channel by whom we more fully understand the Old. “And beginning with Moses and the prophets he expounded unto them all things concerning himself” Luke 24:27 ![]() In the Old Testament we have the Book of the Law and the Law of God. Two laws. In the New Testament we have the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus Rom 8:2. Not a new law, but an amplification of the old, the original. The Son came to magnify the law, his Father’s commandments, and to make it honorable Isa 42:21 Jesus said, I have not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it—to fill it full. Matt 5:19 Not to replace, but to magnify the law. John 1:17 The law came by Moses “but” grace and truth came by Jesus. However, “But” is a supplied word. The KJV indicates this by italicizing it. The law came by Moses who received it from the LORD, ordained in the hands of a mediator. Gal 3:19 “the one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” 1Tim 2:5 AND grace and truth came by Jesus who not only spoke his Father’s law to Moses on the mount, but amplified it in his sermon on the mount as he said, “You have heard it said of old, but I say unto you.” He took “the ministration of condemnation which was glorious” and made it “much more glorious” 2Cor 3:9 ![]() As the book of the law sits at the side of the ten commandments, so the Son sits at the side of His Father. They are not interchangeable; one is Source, the other is Channel, expression, amplifying and magnifying the words of the other. ![]() And in the very heart of the law are two commandments, the only two that are positive commands, that show the divine pattern of source and channel. The 4th commandment calls us to worship the LORD who made all that in them is...the Source, of whom are all things. The 5th calls us to honor our parents, the channel by which we received their life. Source and Channel, Origin and Expression is also illustrated by The Branch ![]() God said Zech 3:8 I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH. Isa 4:2 He is the Branch of the LORD Jer 23:5 “a righteous Branch” Jer 33:14 “a Branch of righteousness” Jer 23:6 “his name shall be called THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS” The LORD of hosts said to Joshua the high priest, “I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH” Zech 3:8 The Branch is used in Scripture to denote royal descent. The king is the root, the princes are the branches. Zech 6:12 the man whose name is the BRANCH shall grow up out of his place and he shall build the temple of the LORD and he shall bear the glory and he shall be a priest upon His throne, and the counsel of peace shall be between them both. The Branch of the LORD, is the servant of the LORD; he is righteous, he is a man, he is a priest and a king, he will build the LORD’s temple, bear the LORD’s glory, and sit on the LORD’s throne, and have a counsel of peace between the Branch and the LORD from whom he branched. ![]() Eze 17:6 a vine whose branches turned toward him, and the roots thereof were under him. Rom 11:16 if the Root be holy, so are the branches. Because the Root and Branches have the very same nature. The Father is holy; He is the Root. John 17:11 “Holy Father”, Jesus prayed Matt 6:9 Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed, holy be Thy name Jesus, the Branch, is also holy. ![]() Acts 2:27 thy Holy One, who did not see corruption The Branch has the same nature, the same substance, the same qualities as the Root. The Branch is the offspring of the Parent Stock. The Root is the Source; the Branch is the expression, the channel from which come more branches. Jesus is the true vine, We are his branches. We also are to partake of his divine nature. 2Pet 1:4. The Divine Pattern of Source and Expression is also illustrated by The Stone ![]() Zech 3:9 Behold the Stone which I have laid before Joshua the high priest. Where does the Stone come from? Zech 4:7 O great Mountain before Zerubbabel the governor…and he shall bring forth a Headstone. Joshua the high priest (Christ), and Zerubbabel the governor (his Father) are symbolized by the Stone (Christ) and the great Mountain (his Father). ![]() The stone laid before Joshua has seven eyes. (Zech 3:9) The Lamb of God, standing before his Father’s throne in Revelation is also seen to have seven eyes. (Rev 5:6) Of course, the Son of God is not only the Lamb of God, but also the Stone that the builders rejected. (Matt 21:42) Isa 28:16 the Lord God lays in Zion a Stone, a precious corner(stone). 1Pet 2:4 a living Stone, head of the corner. Dan 2:45 the Stone was cut out of the Mountain without hands. ![]() The Stone is just as old as the Mountain. The Stone has the same substance, the same nature, the same character, it’s just as hard, just as enduring as the Mountain because it came out of the Mountain. RETURN |